
To paraphrase great climate focused Product Designer Rachel He – the notion that digital products are somehow exempt from environmental just has to be dismantled.Every digital product leaves quite significant carbon and environmental footprint. And it is us, designers and technologists who have the unique power to shape these products.I think the power is also our great responsibility. I devote part of my free time and sometimes also my work time to help find and create climate friendly solutions.My passion project: Design Sustainably is a collection of resources, tools, tips and tricks for like-minded designers.
I created it in 2020 and I continue to maintain and curate it on a weekly basis. Go ahead and check out how YOU can design more sustainably 👇


My current mission:

Use design to bring value (both to users and organizations).
(and do it in the most sustainable way possible)
I am deeply interested in simplifying complexity, both for users and organizations. I try to practice design holistically and I love to explore and try out new frameworks to address complex design problems. I'm especially passionate about designing in B2B context or designing work tools and making lives and businesses easier.I believe that designers are mere enablers of good design in product teams.If you'd like to know more about my design process or the tools and methods I use just check out these:

My process

  1. I begin every project with exploration of the problem space. I try to get as deep understanding of the problem space and empathy for the point of view of both users and organisations as possible.

  2. I collect data and if necessary I conduct some exploratory research. I approach everything I hear here as mere symptoms and I avoid making any conclusions.

  3. I try to make sense from the data I gathered and I form a hypothesis of what could be the design problem. I bring this knowlegde to my team and dissect the learnings with them.

  4. I facilitate a design session with my team and we together design an intervention. I aim for the smallest possible thing that might bring the user value as well as something we could implement, test and iterate on quickly.

  5. I test this intervention, either on prototype in a usability testing session or in gated part of the live product (if possible). I always bring someone from development with me to observe.

  6. We iterate on the learnings from testing and quantitative data we collected. And we repeat this process until we achieve the improvement we aimed for. Usability and business wise.

My toolbox


In design context I usually follow Design thinking, Double Diamond or when situation needs it Design Sprint. When mapping a complex problem space I love to use System mapping, I prioritise solutions and approaches using RICE score and Opportunity Solution Trees

Mental tools

When approaching problem I generally use the first principles approach. I use all kinds of decision matrices, abstraction laddering, systemic tools such as feedback loops or second order thinking.


My tooling staples: Figma, Notion, Trello, Pomodoro timer, any kind of communication SW (Slack, Teams,...) and Documentation & Workflow suite (Atlasian products).Although – software is not what matters, it the quality of designed solution and the quality of communication.